Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Lately I have been asked to recharge the blog and comment on the state of our country. there is much wrong with our political system and the two parties which are supposed to represent us, in my opinion.

I make the case that the problem creating party is both the Republicrats increasing the military industrial complex and the Demopublicans increasing the scope of the entitlement programs.

Now, we can go back and forth forever over which is worse. But I will posit that the wars lst for much shorter periods and are easier to stop than the ever growing and encroaching entitlement programs once they are enacted.

We can both list the problems with the continuing number of wars and their cost and we can also easily list the number of major entitlement programs and their cost. It is very easy to quantify both and when you do so, it is easy to see that the current Oligarchical political structure of the two parties no longer represents the citizens of this country. but until we are abler to install a legitimate third party of Patriotic Americans who believe that government service should be a civic duty rather than a profession and that the best help the government can offer is to encourage the self determination of the citizens, we will continue down the road to ruin.

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