Elections are about choices, and choices have consequences. Think about what’s at stake. Unless we elect candidates with real world experience who consider politics a short term public service rather than a career, the country will continue it’s current slide. We as a society will suffer a government which will spend more than our entire countries GDP. This will necessitate the largest tax increase in our nation’s history.
Consider the explosion in spending—supported by both political parties—that threatens to drown the country in red ink. Unless we get expenditures under control, the long-term prospects for our economy will be diminished.
Think about the deluge of new regulations embedded in the health care and financial reform bills and those coming from the federal agencies. Will we continue to pile ever more burdensome regulations on businesses, or will we demand fewer, smarter regulations that will provide businesses with the certainty they need to grow and hire new workers?
Consider the explosion in spending—supported by both political parties—that threatens to drown the country in red ink. Unless we get expenditures under control, the long-term prospects for our economy will be diminished.
Think about the deluge of new regulations embedded in the health care and financial reform bills and those coming from the federal agencies. Will we continue to pile ever more burdensome regulations on businesses, or will we demand fewer, smarter regulations that will provide businesses with the certainty they need to grow and hire new workers?
Should a centralized government be in charge of many aspects of everyday life? Should more government intervention, make us all better off? I believe that this premise is flawed because we cannot have the Federal government take money from a productive segment of the population, give a portion of that money to an unproductive segment of society and make the country as a whole better off.
Government should be involved in little more than National Defense, infrastructure, and the rule of law. History has shown that government doesn’t do anything else efficiently and social engineering by a centralized government is much more oppressive than productive. Government cannot regulate a “level the playing field” or engineer society through the tax code, yet it tries to with every election. We are meant to be free and our founding fathers understood this. I truly believe that our constitution enables the citizens of our country to be free and regulastions and extreme taxation is an infringement on our freedom. I speak of infringement that happens from both sides of the political spectrum and is accomplished through the use of the 70,000+ pages of the tax code and more than 80,000 pages of Federal regulations. Remember the words of one of our founding fathers: “That government is best which governs least”.
One last thought. When a company becomes inefficient, doesn’t pay attention to the requirements of the market or fails to serve it's customers, except in cases where that company is supported by the government, that company will likely go out of business. When the government fails to serve it’s constituents, spends beyond it’s means, taxes the productive to the point that they are not competitive or overburdens the productive with regulations, we all suffer. Consider this when you go into the voting booth.