Many of my more progressive friends told me that the health care bill would never reach the point of passage and don't complain so much -- that was about 6 months ago. At that time, I stated that we had to prepare and fight or the American prople would lose. Now we are at the stage where the fight has become one of we don't give a damn about rules or parliamentary procedure, we don't care about the process, we only care about getting a "health Care bill" passed. It doesn't matter that the bill is extremely bad policy which will cause much more harm than good. It doesn't matter to the likes of Obama/Pelosi/Reid what the process or rules are as long as they are able to "Break through the doors" by whatever means possible and pass "historic Legislation". Legislation which has been attempted since FDR without success -- for good reason!
Consider Madam Pelosi's own words from Monday of this week:
March 18, 2010
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said “once we kick through this door, there’ll be more legislation to follow” on Obamacare during a Monday blogger conference call. (Ben Margot/AP)
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi used an unexpected analogy Monday during a conference call with liberal bloggers to discuss Obamacare, saying "once we kick through this door, there'll be more legislation to follow." At least four things need to be said about Pelosi's braggadocio.
First, just whose doors are being kicked in? Since virtually every survey taken in recent months has shown majority opposition to Obamacare, it's the door to public approval that's being kicked in by Pelosi and her comrades. Their attitude is that when rational argument fails to persuade a majority of Americans to support Obamacare, then it should be jammed down their throats. Pelosi evidently has decided to refine American democracy using the Hugo Chavez manual on public persuasion.
Second, just how hard are Pelosi and other Democratic leaders willing to kick? One thing in the debate has been clear for months: As the public learns more about Obamacare, the opposition grows. Pollster Scott Rasmussen's latest survey finds 53 percent opposed to Obamacare. "The numbers are virtually unchanged from last week and are consistent with findings in regularly tracking going back to just after Thanksgiving," Rasmussen said. It appears that Pelosi and company will keep kicking, no matter how great the public opposition.
Third, Pelosi's candor among friendly bloggers demonstrates that Obamacare is only the beginning, not the end of the liberal campaign to put bureaucrats between doctors and patients. What will Pelosi seek next in health care reform? An obvious candidate would be the public option not contained in the Senate version that has become the primary legislative vehicle for passing Obamacare. Then, as government health care costs skyrocket, a price control system won't be far behind. And, since price controls always cause shortages, the inevitable next step will be rationed health care services. At which point, the Left will have finally achieved the dream of making America and European health care equally socialized.
Finally, there is the unprecedented "Slaughter Solution" that Pelosi has endorsed in her door-kicking campaign. This legislative monster -- named after House Rules Committee Chairman Louise Slaughter of New York -- would mean that, by passing a health care reconciliation bill, the House would "deem" itself to have also passed the Senate version of Obamacare. Pelosi likes this approach because then "people don't have to vote on the Senate bill" and theoretically avoid the negative fallout back home
Huh? No wonder respected nonpartisan political analyst Stuart Rothernberg told The Washington Post that "we've leapt to a totally different planet with this deeming. I feel like I've fallen through the rabbit hole:
'Oh, they are going to not pass the bill and just pretend they passed the bill.'
Actually, Stuart, we're all being kicked down Pelosi's rabbit hole.
So, now I ask again -- are you mad yet? Are you willing to take action yet? Or are you willing to let the doors be kicked in and the constitution be trampled on by the same people you elected to protect it?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
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