On Friday November 8,
President Obama was speaking in Miami Florida at a Democratic fundraiser when
he began another of his tirades against the TEA Party labeling them as “a small
faction” and telling Democrats in attendance (it was a democratic fundraiser)
that Republicans will have a price to pay for defying the American populace. He
ramped it up by saying that the small faction, the TEA Party, “will not act on
the basic interests of the American people”.
Here something to consider –
Due to the PPACA (ObamaCare), approximately 5 million people will lose their
health insurance by spring of next year. When the large company and union enrollment
begins as the year delay expires next October, another 12+ million working
Americans will lose their insurance. All of these Americans will find
themselves having to obtain more costly insurance as a result of a law passed
by a very small faction of strictly partisan legislators and only after manipulation
of their own rules. These legislators passed ObamaCare without reading it while
making the incredible claim that they “had to pass it so we can read it to find
out what is in it”. Now we have read the
bill and now we, the majority of Americans are seeing the truth. REGARDLESS of
whether Americans like their plan or their doctor and even if the plan hasn't
changed they are losing their insurance and are being forced into the ObamaCare
collectives at higher cost and lower quality.
Is this acting on the basic
interest of the majority of the American People?
I have been saying since
2009 when I actually read the entire PPACA , the ACT was not intended to help
those who are unable to obtain insurance, it is designed to destroy the health
insurance market in favor of another big government designed program like
Medicaid. Any fool who can add will see that the numbers don't add up. And you have to be really stupid to think
that a government program as large as this would run smoothly without cost
overruns. Lest we forget, at the time the bill was up for vote, the administration
claimed that it would not cost a dime in added taxation and that the cost of
insurance for the average family would decrease by $2500 per year.
President Obama sold the PPACA
on the basis that it would help the “small faction” of Americans who needed
protection because they were unable to obtain Health Care. He continually misstated that they, the 30+
million uninsured Americans were unable to obtain HEALTH CARE. This is just not true. Everyone in America who gets sick or injured
has access to very high quality HEALTH CARE, regardless of their ability to pay
and it is just about the best quality care available in the world.
What this “small faction”
lacks is access to health INSURANCE and while serious, it is a completely
different issue. President Obama sold the concept of health CARE for everyone through
the PPACA by stating over and over to the vast majority of Americans who have
health insurance, “If you like your insurance, you can keep your
insurance. PERIOD. Nobody is going to
take it away” “If you like your doctor,
you can keep your doctor, no one is going to change this”. He and his small faction of ideological zealots
repeated this continually to the American people. Just like he repeated continually that the
mandate was not a tax. He even continued
claiming the ObamaCare mandated penalty was not a tax after the SCOTUS found that
it is, in fact a tax on the American tax payer.
So much for truth from the
office of the Chief Executive and so much for acting for the will of the majority.
When President Obama repeatedly made the
statement that "If you like your insurance you can keep it, PERIOD, he was
lying. When he claimed that "If you
like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, no one is going to change
this", he was lying again. Last
week he claimed he was sorry that people may have lost their insurance based on
what he said. Considering that he had to know that large numbers of people
would lose their insurance, why would he actually be sorry when it happened?
Logically, many will say he lied yet again.
Even worse, he was lying not
by omission, but willfully and knowingly to achieve his agenda, no matter the ultimate
cost to the American people. He lied
because he knew that if he told the truth, upwards of 19 million people would
lose their current insurance plans as a direct result of the "ACT"
and American voters, even union member supporters and rank and file democrats
would not stand for it. He knew that if
he told the truth, the "ACT" would never pass.
In an attempt to deceive yet
again, he now deflects blame onto the TEA Party and excoriates them as small
but vocal factions who are willing to thwart the "basic interests of the
majority of Americans". Funny thing
is, President Obama and the extremely partisan Democrat Legislators, a small
faction of Americans elected to represent all American citizens, paid no heed
to the constituency they were elected to serve and passed the bill against the
wishes of the majority by manipulating the senate rules to achieve their goal.
This is not to say the TEA
Party Patriots are blameless. They were not willing to consider what the other
side was saying in their zeal to have their voices heard. They didn't listen to a common sense approach
to regulating the Health Insurance industry and they didn't bother to
differentiate between the progressives replacing the word INSURANCE for
CARE. No one is entitled to Health Care,
but a case can be made that everyone should be entitled to access affordable Health
Insurance. Had the TEA Party activists listened, they may have been able to
limit the damage of the PPACA legislation to controls on the Health Insurance
industry. Had they listened, Americans
might not be experiencing the fiasco of the government monstrosity which is
ObamaCare. This is only speculation because the stacked house Obama experienced
in 2008 through 2010 allowed him to push through any laws he wanted and the Democratic
majority legislature rapturously fell right in line with his request.
Yet, the worst action taken
by the TEA Party activists was shutting down the government in an attempt to
defund ObamaCare. The reason is because
ObamaCare will fall on its own as the majority of Americans actually experience
what is in it. Had the TEA Party
legislators focused where they should, on budget issues, If the house stood firm
with the budget they passed, forcing the Senate to act or be the cause of the
shutdown, if the house held Obama to a dollar cut for every dollar of increased
revenue (ie...the debt limit increase) the American people would see who is
truly putting the screws to them and it sure as hell isn't the TEA Party
Patriots. Had Cruz and the House TEA Party contingent not forced the issue, had
they played the cards they drew rather than going “all in” too early, it would
be Democrats jumping ship and demanding that ObamaCare be modified or abolished
and Obama's ability to vilify would be minimized.
So, let’s not fret about who
is or isn’t truly the “small faction” or to what degree the President lied.
Let’s accept the facts and show the president that the majority of Americans
have the basic interests of America in their hearts and minds. It is time for the majority -- true blue
American Patriots -- to stand up and rally the support of your friends and
neighbors to show President Obama and Harry Reid that we are NOT a small
minority. We are the majority common sense voice of America and we will be