When Dana Milbank decides to call Obama out, you know he has really gone over the line.
I especially like the conclusion:
"Still, Obama’s acquiescence to an intolerable status quo raises a question: Shouldn’t presidential leadership be about setting an example?
Instead, he is erasing the already blurred lines between campaigning and governing. During his “official” speech to the union group Monday, he hailed Tim Kaine as “the next United States senator from the great commonwealth of Virginia,” and his partisan speech spurred audience members to shouts of “Vote ’em out!” and “Gotta throw ’em out!”
“Not everything should be subject to thinking about the next election instead of thinking about the next generation,” Obama said of the Republicans. “Not everything should be subject to politics.”
He should follow his own advice."
Shouldn't we expect the President to set a positive example? Shouldn't we expect the "preezy" to have an uplifting message for the country he governs? Or are the citizens of this country expected to accept our "campaigner in chief" vilifying segments of the population for his own political aggrandizement?