When are the politicians in Washington going to get this message? When it comes to the disastrous and incredibly disingenuous Health Care Bill, it has taken a blunt hammer right between the eyes to get from the voters in Massachusetts to begin to get the message across. When one of the most double dealing and conniving politicians from Massachusetts, Barney Frank is in full retreat, saying about the health care bill: “…there is now no bill that I believe can pass or should pass”, perhaps it is time that our national representatives wake up and smell the roses. I realize that the utterances of Barney Frank are more for personal salvation than in any way a true reflection of his core beliefs, but I sincerely hope the good independent voters of Massachusetts continue their house cleaning and replace him this November.
It is equally important for the legislators of both parties to understand that the voice of Massachusetts is the voice of the people across this great nation. We, the majority of Americans are angry at the arrogance of legislators such as Barney, Harry, Chris dodd and Nancy. We the People are gaining a voice and have come to understand that the power of the people can trump the perceived power of the Fed. The voices of the Tea Party protestors for the past year and the TownHall usurpers last summer are the true voice of America and this voice is getting louder. This voice will become stronger during the 2010 election cycle and reach epic proportions during the 2012 election cycle.
The Federal Government, currently looking to increase the Federal Debt ceiling does not understand that we really are watching and fully comprehend the power of our vote. These “inside the Beltway” politicians from both parties are going to find that the voters of this country are rapidly coming to understand that "one size does not fit all" and legislation by caveat from inside Washington directly violates the terms of the 10th amendment to the constitution. We the People understand this. To those progressives amongst you, I realize that a case can be made that the 10th amendment has been toast since before Theodore Roosevelt, that some have even said since Lincoln and the Civil War. I personally think we the people of these United States fully understand that the representatives from California and Nevada don’t necessarily represent the values of the citizens of Minnesota or Mississippi. The legislators from Texas don’t represent the values of those residing in New York. It is time, nay beyond the time, to drastically limit Federal power and return the power of legislation to the States where the people can once again determine how they should be rightfully governed on a local level.
It is equally important for the legislators of both parties to understand that the voice of Massachusetts is the voice of the people across this great nation. We, the majority of Americans are angry at the arrogance of legislators such as Barney, Harry, Chris dodd and Nancy. We the People are gaining a voice and have come to understand that the power of the people can trump the perceived power of the Fed. The voices of the Tea Party protestors for the past year and the TownHall usurpers last summer are the true voice of America and this voice is getting louder. This voice will become stronger during the 2010 election cycle and reach epic proportions during the 2012 election cycle.
The Federal Government, currently looking to increase the Federal Debt ceiling does not understand that we really are watching and fully comprehend the power of our vote. These “inside the Beltway” politicians from both parties are going to find that the voters of this country are rapidly coming to understand that "one size does not fit all" and legislation by caveat from inside Washington directly violates the terms of the 10th amendment to the constitution. We the People understand this. To those progressives amongst you, I realize that a case can be made that the 10th amendment has been toast since before Theodore Roosevelt, that some have even said since Lincoln and the Civil War. I personally think we the people of these United States fully understand that the representatives from California and Nevada don’t necessarily represent the values of the citizens of Minnesota or Mississippi. The legislators from Texas don’t represent the values of those residing in New York. It is time, nay beyond the time, to drastically limit Federal power and return the power of legislation to the States where the people can once again determine how they should be rightfully governed on a local level.