Earlier this week, Obama went to and addressed the National CHRISTIAN prayer breakfast. One item on the agenda was to pray for the over 1 Million Armenian Christians murdered by Muslim Turks in the early 20th Century...yes in 1915, the 20th century. Yet Obama acknowledges this atrocity by choosing an historical factoid from 1000 years ago to hector and besmirch the christians to whom he was speaking. He didn't use a reference by christians during the 20th century, he went back 1000 years to find fault. And he ignored the reason the prayers for those murdered in the 20th century were being offered.
Rather than supporting Christians at a christian faith event, rather than discussing the good works of the christian denominations to which he spoke, rather than make an attempt to unite, he chose to use the platform to pick a point in christian history 1000 years past as a comparison to justify the atrocities being perpetrated by Islamists today. Obama didn't choose to be uplifting, he chose to castigate the religion of the people to whom he was speaking,
If this were a one time faux pax, perhaps there would not be much justification for making this an issue, but from the time that Obama began running for the presidency, he has been pursuing this false flag notion of positive Islamic contribution. This is the recurring theme of the Obama narrative. Remember, when he was running for the presidency in 2008, Barack Obama, during his Cairo speech, said: "I know, too, that Islam has always been a positive part of America 's history." Later, after his election, speaking at a dinner celebrating Ramadan, Obama stated, "Throughout our history, Islam has contributed to the character of our country, and Muslim Americans, and their good works, have helped to build our nation -- and we've seen the results. We've seen those results in generations of Muslim immigrants -- farmers and factory workers, helping to lay the railroads and build our cities. Muslim innovators who helped build some of our highest skyscrapers and who helped to unlock the secrets of our universe." In 2014, Obama made a speech to a muslim group thanking Muslim Americans for their many “achievements and contributions… to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy.” When in 2009, when discussing the slaughter of American soldiers at Fort Hood by a radical Muslim major who is a doctor and a psychiatrist supposedly counseling soldiers returning from battle in Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama claimed this was not an act of terrorism, but a case of workplace violence. Even today, when asked to directly address the atrocities being committed by ISIS and al Qaida, our president cannot being himself to refer to them as terrorists, yet he has no issue with referring to Americans who oppose his views as "Domestic Terrorists"
If this were a one time faux pax, perhaps there would not be much justification for making this an issue, but from the time that Obama began running for the presidency, he has been pursuing this false flag notion of positive Islamic contribution. This is the recurring theme of the Obama narrative. Remember, when he was running for the presidency in 2008, Barack Obama, during his Cairo speech, said: "I know, too, that Islam has always been a positive part of America 's history." Later, after his election, speaking at a dinner celebrating Ramadan, Obama stated, "Throughout our history, Islam has contributed to the character of our country, and Muslim Americans, and their good works, have helped to build our nation -- and we've seen the results. We've seen those results in generations of Muslim immigrants -- farmers and factory workers, helping to lay the railroads and build our cities. Muslim innovators who helped build some of our highest skyscrapers and who helped to unlock the secrets of our universe." In 2014, Obama made a speech to a muslim group thanking Muslim Americans for their many “achievements and contributions… to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy.” When in 2009, when discussing the slaughter of American soldiers at Fort Hood by a radical Muslim major who is a doctor and a psychiatrist supposedly counseling soldiers returning from battle in Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama claimed this was not an act of terrorism, but a case of workplace violence. Even today, when asked to directly address the atrocities being committed by ISIS and al Qaida, our president cannot being himself to refer to them as terrorists, yet he has no issue with referring to Americans who oppose his views as "Domestic Terrorists"
I could go on, with many more examples and I could offer many examples of muslim atrocities committed against Americas citizens but Obama's attempts to uplift the muslim adherents is such a juxtaposition to his denigrating of Christians at a christian event that he is blatantly transparent.
The point is, rather than unite, rather than lead, rather than to unify, Obama willfully chooses to use his bully pulpit to divide the citizens he represents. His speech, while perhaps factually correct was improper for the venue, completely unwarranted, out of place and wholly inappropriate. At best his lecturing of christians is a stretch, and shows just how ridiculously out of touch he really is. At worst it shows diabolical intent. This is not American leadership and it is why there is so much blowback against his speech.