Well, let's see, the global warming alarmists continue on their quest to destroy our industrial society because we burn fossil fuels which add carbon to the atmosphere. They claim that this INDISPUTABLY causes the earth to warm and the warming, even if the effects are only going to occur gradually over 200 years, will be catastrophic. Now while the first assertion is indisputable, the second, that the earth will warm as a result and third that the result will be catastrophic, is far from proven. In fact, true temperature readings over the past 20 years show no acceleration in the earths temperature and in fact there is a cooling trend. Yet the climate change alarmists continue screaming like meme's hoping that their incessant whining will lead to a continuation of grant funding and further control of the worlds economy.
Let me offer an article by my friend, Peter Ferrara, who, while not a climate scientist, has studied the literature extensively and cites numerous studies and scientists in his expose on the flagrant falsehoods of the global warming alarmist scientists...