After reading the entirety of the Patriot Act and I concluded that the Act unconstitutionally deprived American citizens of our liberty. Now, after completing my reading of the NDAA I am sure of it. The Patriot Act and the NDAA give the Department of Homeland Security authority to collect data from all US citizens in order to protect the country from home grown terrorism. NSA has been placed under the jurisdiction of DHS and thereby has its authority extended to all private citizens of the US. This and other intel agencies can and are collecting data on every citizen in the United States. Read the Acts, both of them and you will see that it has been authorized.
Now I agree that the NSA is not taping every phone conversation and never said that they are. What they are doing, outside of congressional oversight and authorization, is building the 3rd largest military operations facility in the country for the express purpose of collecting and storing electronic data on every citizen in the United States. They wouldn't be going to the trouble and expense if they weren't going to utilize these developed resources. Oh, and for the record, the estimated cost of this facility is 2 BILLION US tax dollars. In other words, the government is using our tax dollars to build the worlds most high tech spy facility to spy on us, the citizens of the United States.
And the "private" companies we use every day are the net being cast very broadly to source the data the government collects. Not the likes of AT&T, Bell Labs and UCLA, but new age companies like Google, Facebook, Oracle, Verizon, Direct TV and every other social media site we visit every day. These companies pass the collected data to the government which uses artificial intelligence recognition software which meta tags words, phrases, paragraphs and pages of data such as these I have just written and categorizes them into defined databases. This information, coming from all users of the internet, is, I repeat IS being collected by the government. When an individual uses a flagged word, phrase, sentence or series of words on a page too frequently, the machine flags and highlights it for review by analysts. Every discussion held on line over the past few years, has been collected and is being sorted, analyzed, and categorized by a machine which decides whether we are good citizens or a subversive group out to do harm to the government. Note I said harm to the government, not the citizens, but the government. We the people don't matter, only the government matters to these collectors of our thoughts and conversations.
Bottom line, today, whether you like to believe it or not, our "intel" agencies ARE collecting data and spying on every US citizen every moment of every day. Sleep as comfortably as you can my friends, but you should do so with the full understanding that "Big Brother" is watching, he is the enemy of the people and the enemy comes from within as much as from the outside.