This morning I received two interesting emails. The first included a one question survey from the political activists arm of the never ending Obama campaign. The survey's only question was, What are the most important issues you would like to hear from the President when he makes his State of the Union Speech on Tuesday evening.
I doubt I will hear him discuss my two suggestions the first of which be an announcement that he use the "pen and executive power" that he holds and eliminate as many Federal Agencies as possible until we return to self governing principles which are allowed under the Constitution. I can't imagine him doing this, but I also don't understand the need for agencies like the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, Department of Commerce, the EPA, etc...etc...etc...
My other suggestion, which I also do not expect to hear is that he admit to the complete and utter failure of ObamaCare and his longstanding economic policies and as a result he will be using the pen he holds to sign his letter of resignation from the podium.
Yes I know I am dreaming, but if there were a trace of honor or patriotism in the heart of our President, those would be the two points he would be making.
My second email of interest this morning discussed the failures of Speaker Boehner and his leadership of the "Peoples House". I responded as follows:
Boehner is the defacto leader of the Republican party. As far
as I'm concerned, and you know this, the entire Republican
party is represented by their leaders and therefore, IMNSHO,
the entire Republican party should be annihilated. We need a
real third party, regardless of what the whining naysayers
preach about losing to the Dems. What good does it do to win
elections for the Republicans when it results in leadership
such as Boehner, McConnell and their ilk? What good does it
do to support the Republican party when their leaders ridicule
and minimize the likes of Cruz, Rand Paul, Sarah Palin and
anyone else who stands up for the constitution and true
conservative American values? Hell, we already have Obama,
his Sycophants and the fawning media to do this, why should we
support the establishment Republican party who does the same
and preaches a "go along to get along" mantra when the go
along/get along strategy results in increased unemployment,
economic morass and an overwhelming debt? Why shoulod we
support a party which accepts an increase in the national debt
limit every 6 months so Obama cna use the executive office to
increase the size and scope of the Federal government to the
point that you can't even buy toilet paper to wipe your ass
without it first being approved by the federal government?
The TEA Party stands for TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY. We are not
only overly taxed already, but the Fed is spending well over
and above that while the Republican party sits by with their
respective thumbs stuck squarely up their backsides
complaining about and criticizing the true patriots who are
trying to rein in the FED.
SCREW THEM ALL! I will not give one red cent to support the
Republican party or anyone who runs on their ticket.
People, it is time for a real third party of patriotic Americans to rise up and make sure our voices are heard. It truly is time to band together as a nation and make sure that the government understands that they answer to us, not the other way around. They need to be given the message that we will not be spied upon, dictated to or regulated to the point that we are unable to operate successful businesses or taxed to the point that we become bankrupt. If we are unwilling to act quickly to make our voices heard and see that our votes are counted, we will become a nation which kowtows to the bureaucrats sitting in their offices on high in Washington and our country will never again be the land of opportunity leading by example for every other freedom loving citizen of the world.
So, rise up America, make your voices heard, help lead the charge to return America to its self reliant rots before we lose it.
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